Female Leadership at Nelson Academy
November 9, 2021Signal Hill Petroleum believes in a transparent business philosophy and strives to be an excellent neighbor and community partner. Teaming up with our local schools is one of the many ways that we love to give back to our community. Last Thursday, our Community Relations Manager, Alex Rothwell, and our Regulatory Compliance Supervisor, Shannon Smith, had the opportunity to present to Nelson Academy’s 7th Grade Female Leadership class. Nelson Academy is a junior high school located in Signal Hill with over 850 students. They offer many different electives for students to better prepare themselves for their future. Alex and Shannon were able to share their experiences and career path stories within the Oil and Natural Gas Industry with the class. Although the presentation was through Zoom, they were able to drop off goodie bags filled with petroleum-based products to start off the presentation with an oil 101 ice breaker. It was a great way to show the students some perspective on how oil is a pivotal part of our everyday lives. “It was really great being able to connect with the young female leaders at Nelson Academy,” said Community Relations Manager, Alex Rothwell. “I loved hearing all of their questions as well as sharing my advice on what it means to be a female leader.”