SHP Helps with Operation School Bell!
September 5, 2013By: Taylor
Operation School Bell is a philanthropic program of Assistance League of Long Beach that provides free school uniforms to children in need attending Long Beach Unified School District schools, from preschool up to grade 12. Since Operation School Bell’s inception in 1974, more than 60,000 students have received clothing.
Our company was asked to help with Operation School on their packing days. Amanda and I walked into the Assistance League’s main hall and saw stacks of polo’s, sweatshirts and pants in all sizes! It was there where I learned Assistance League helps cloth over 1100 students each year in Long Beach.
With a handful of other volunteers Amanda and I quickly grabbed three shirts, two pairs of pants and a sweatshirt for each student. We quickly got to stuffing the paper bags with clothes and before you knew it we were finished packing for an entire school! It was an extremely rewarding and humbling experience! We can’t wait to help out next year!
We are honored that such an amazing organization had to say such kind words about our company. Thank you to all the volunteers at the Assistance League for all you do!
“Support from dedicated people like you and Signal Hill Petroleum make our programs possible. You have truly made a difference and we are most thankful for your contribution. We are looking forward to our partnership with Signal Hill Petroleum, working together to create brighter futures for our children.”
– Annette Kashiwabara, Assistance League of Long Beach Director of Development